In the Crataceous period of the Mesozoic era mammals began to expand
and 120 million years ago Marsupials and Placentals diverged in the
mammal lineage. In the Paleocene epoch of the Cenozoic era 65 million
years ago mammals began to rapidly expand. Two major groups diverged in
this epoch the now extinct Creodonts which dominated 55 million years
ago and the true carnivores (order Carnivora) which still flourishes
I'll be looking at the common ancestor, some suspicion does exist on
whether the two orders does in fact share a common
ancestor.( Major groups, characteristics and
habitat of the two orders. Similarities and differences in dentition,
body plan, brain size, diet , locomotion amongst others,and try to
ascertain whether these factors played a role in the extinction of one
order and the radiation of the other. I'll also be looking at newly
discovered carnivore species.
Ilse Kotzee
Student # 2456349
Try and get your internet links to work - Should view your email using html VIEW.
Referencing - Wikipedia is huge and you have given a link that does not work for the following "I'll be looking at the common ancestor, some suspicion does exist on whether the two orders does in fact share a common
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Check your English!
Anonymous, at Friday, March 17, 2006 3:45:00 pm
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