Late submission of assignments 15% off per 24hrs
50% off for undergraduates, 100% off for postgraduates with submission of disciplinary action against the student if intent can be proven. NB the lecturer must be able to demonstrate the plagiarism and adhere such proof to the script for recording purposes. This ruling will apply to assignments and tests alike.
“Sick tests “:
Each programme will set One Day Only per term on which all sick tests and special occasion tests will be written. A doctor’s certificate stating that the student was unfit to write the test/exam on the set date will have to be supplied to the department
Special Occasions tests:
As above. The student needs to supply documentary proof of the special circumstances that prevented the writing of and/or preparation for the test.
Special Exams:
These are in addition to the supplementary exams and can only be set by the department in the exam period at the discretion of the Chairperson of the department. Outside the exams period the Student Affairs Committee needs to make a recommendation to the Senate Exams Committee
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